---------------IKUMI FUKIKAWA

---------------IYO OKAMOTO

---------------KYOKO KUBODERA

---------------MIZUE TAKASHIMA

---------------NAMI MYUNG

---------------SATOMI TSUJINO

---------------YOHEI FUJISAKI

---------------YUSUE TAKAHASHI

Founded by Bunka Gakuen in 2006, Bunka Fashion Graduate University is the first professional graduate school in Japan to specialise in fashion
A leading light in the field of fashion, the school aims to educate young creative talents and encourage them to consolidate their presence in the international fashion industry
The courses are divided into two departments - Fashion Creation and Fashion Management
The Fashion Creation department holds courses in fashion design and fashion technology, and the Fashion Management department covers fashion business management
Bunka Fashion Graduate University, Education Foundation Bunka Gakuen
3-22-1 Yoyogi
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
151-8521 Japan
Tel: +81 (0)3 3299 2701
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